School mayhem.

Okay, there was a great fight yesterday. I was walking home from school when I saw a large group of people standing in the middle of the road. I soon figured out that two people were fighting. Some girls were trying to break it up, but were unsuccessful. Because of the girl's interruptions, the fight sort of went in rounds. Where I live, it's snowing. So, while the people were fighting, people were throwing ice at the fighters. They were kicking as well as punching.
Soon, it started getting a bit more interesting. Being that the fight was in the middle of the road, traffic soon started backing up, and there were about 15 cars lined up on either side. Somebody threw ice at some ladies car, and the lady got out in the middle of the road (and the fight) and started to yell at the girls who threw snow at her. In response, they threw a huge piece of snow at her windshield. The lady got back in the car, and drove away.
I guess she called the cops, because pretty soon the cops were driving up into everything, but they couldn't get very far because of the traffic. By the time they got there, the fighters had left.
Also, a cop picked up two of our students trying to skip school, after a foot chase. So all in all, it was a pretty damn exciting day. Be sure to check out the video below. It really is the funniest part of a movie ever, just watch it. The movie is called Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
That's all for now.
